These are the 6 Handshake Mistakes With Your Candidate!

In Personality Traits and Career
Oct 10th, 2019

Recruiters Personality

A handshake is one of the components of a candidate’s body language analysis. However, judging the candidate by just a handshake and building an opinion about him is not fair. If you eliminate a candidate because of a single bad handshake, then it might be possible that you are losing a well-deserved candidate who is the right fit for the job.

It is advisable not to give too much importance to a handshake during an interview in the following circumstances:

Cultural differences: Every culture has different ways to greet and meet people. It might be possible that the candidate hails from a culture where people like to shake hands energetically or like to maintain a physical distance during the first meeting.

Disability: Any disability in the candidate might prevent him or her from making a perfect handshake.

Health concerns: If a candidate is facing some health issues, then she/he may have a weak handshake or may completely avoid it for the fear of passing on the infection.

Personal style: A candidate may like to wear rings, bracelets or nail art, due to which a handshake may feel poking or uncomfortable. However, the personal style preferences of candidates do not necessarily make him or her unsuitable for the job.

Generation/position gap: A young candidate may feel overwhelmed while shaking hands with a very aged or a senior recruiter. Similarly, a middle-aged candidate may feel uncomfortable shaking hands while being interviewed by a recruiter younger than his or her age.

Female candidate: Women are sometimes reluctant to shake hands due to cultural or personal issues. Also, a female candidate may not give a strong handshake as compared to a male candidate.

Unless the job for which the candidate is being interviewed doesn’t require frequent handshakes, the above mistakes should be avoided. You can also consider grooming the deserving candidate on body language and gestures after hiring him or her.

Would you like to know more about your candidate’s body language and personality? Then, the cloud-based SaaS technology from should help you. It uses 16 personality types by Carl Jung, to determine whether the given job role will be the innate preference of the candidate. This match will provide you the likelihood of the candidate becoming a long-term asset for the company.

Get in touch with us today to know-how.

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