Pre-screening Calls Are Still Wasting Your Time?

In CV screening
Jan 28th, 2016

pre screening calls

According to one statistics, recruiters spend about 5-7 seconds scanning through resumes and about 63% of their time calling candidates. Yes, that’s an eye-opening number! However, what really takes the cake is this figure – companies take an average of 52 days to fill a job, up from 48 days in 2011 (read the research report – Talent Acquisition Factbook 2015: Benchmarks and Trends in Spending, Staffing, and Key Recruiting Metrics).

So is there no way out for recruiters? There IS. The solution is automated phone interviews. It can save recruiters from time-consuming tasks of screening through hundreds of CVs, making pre-screening calls and arranging personal interviews. The next question that will raise itself is – how can automated phone interviews help the recruiters? Let’s see.

It provides convenience:

A pre-recorded question set is delivered to the candidates through an automated call. The candidates can take that preliminary interview at any time of the day, as per their convenience. For recruiters, it works out as well, as they get to hear the voice of potential candidates, judge their communication skills and do the Pre-screening calls before inviting them for face-to-face interviews.

It is time and cost efficient:

Automated Pre-screening calls are much faster and cheaper than recruiters calling all the candidates. It helps reduce their calling and follow up efforts by over 90%.

It interviews all:

Recruiters might miss those candidates who did not pick up the call once and also didn’t return. But, a big advantage of this type of reviewing is that it interviews all the potential candidates on the list.

It is a better recruiting ‘mouse trap’: Reports show that a staggering 80% of resumes have inaccurate (sometimes, made up) information or the information provided helps little to reveal a candidate’s true talent. On the other hand, an automated Pre-screening calls can reveal a candidate’s skill set, communication level and his thought process, and ascertain that the candidate indeed has the expertise as listed in the CV.


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