Interview Question to Determine a Candidate’s Personality Fit

In Personality Traits and Career
Feb 19th, 2016


A perfect candidate is not the one who has the right skills. His personality should also fit into the company’s culture. So, how will you determine a candidate’s personality fit? By asking the

following five questions during the interview:

1. Who is your inspiration and why?

If you know who is the  role model and what traits of the role model s/he likes, you can get insight into his or her values and behaviour.

2. What are your hobbies?

The kind of hobbies that a candidate pursues can reveal how creative s/he is is and whether s/he can think out of the box. An academically sound candidate may look fit on the paper, but he may not be able to bring innovation to the table.

3. What type of community services are you involved in?

This question helps you to judge the social quotient of a candidate. Whether he likes to mingle with people or prefers to work in isolation? Can he become a good team member or a leader?

4. What people don’t like about you?

It will help you to know how the candidate handles an adverse situation. It will also show his honesty because he will not be afraid to reveal his limitations. He has the courage to admit his weaknesses.

5. Can you recall a situation when you didn’t know how to handle it?

This question will help to understand whether the candidate has problem solving skills in challenging situations.

If you don’t want to get into the ‘questioning’ mode or are unsure whether the answers given by the candidate reveal his or her true personality, don’t worry. The cloud based SaaS technology from Reckrut can come to your help. It uses 16 personality types by Carl Jung, to determine whether the given job role will be the innate preference of the candidate.


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