How are your Recruiters judging Soft Skills?

In Personality Traits and Career
Jul 4th, 2019

Soft Skills

An article published in a newspaper stated ‘60% of Employers say Soft Skills are essential for Hiring ’.  No surprises. It’s the truth, maybe even as high as 80% consider soft skills as the final decision point.

Some statistics provided in the article are reproduced here for your quick reading:

Which Soft Skills are most important?

35% Listening

32% Communication

30% Confidence

26% Team Work

25% Positive Attitude

25% Creativity

20% Persuasion

18% Flexibility

15% Activeness/Alertness

10% Accountability

How Significant are Soft Skills while hiring an Employee?

60% Very Significant

30% Somewhat Significant

10% not Significant

What Level Soft Skills are important?

40% Middle Level

35% Junior Level

25% Senior Level

How difficult is it to find the desired Soft Skills?

70% Very Difficult

25% Somewhat Difficult

5% Not Difficult

Given the significance of Soft Skills needs for hiring/closures, it is getting very important that your Recruiters know what questions need to be asked so that the answers can convey Soft Skills along with competence. provides this opportunity to enable Recruiters to record their well-prepared questions and send out to 100s of candidates instantly. When they receive the answers from Candidates, they can listen and re-listen to really make a proper judgment of the Soft Skills, especially Communication Skills.

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