Hiring with a fishing rod or a fishing net?

By Callify.ai
In Automation
Aug 28th, 2019


Well obviously if you are hiring for senior leadership roles, you are going to use a Fishing rod philosophy, because it’s a small pond and very limited fishes…and when it comes to volume hiring, it’s obvious a Fishing net approach, because a lot needs to be covered.

The challenge is however in the in-between segment; the laterals and probably 60% of the overall hiring in corporate world. Again obviously using a combination of rod and net approach! But how much rod and how much net? Many don’t know..

If recruiters are doing their hiring manually (traditional method), then they are most probably continuing to do rod based wherever rod based is appropriate and still doing rod based wherever net based is required…In essence, using multiple rods to factor net approach in it. Why? Because that is what they can do manually at the best! Does it work? No….Well it does…only at the cost of huge cost, time, energy and delays!!!!

With the intensified war for talent, where earlier you could hire 1 out of 5 has now reduced to 1 out of 15, then fishing rods are just not going to be useful; for anything! Recruiters need to become Net based fishers. Because even if you were out there to hire 1 person, you’d need to cast a net for 50 fishes to get caught first and the narrowing down to 15 top, doing finals with 5 and by law of averages, hoping 1 to positively join!

In some of our coastal villages and towns, Net fishing still requires a battery of fisherfolks to lay the nets in the water; then pull the nets and finally sort the fishes! Hope fully sooner, the nets will be thrown by a machine, pulled out at the right time by the machine and even sorted by the machine. Then, with lesser fisherfolks required to do the actual fishing, the fishermen will focus their energies on fish products and processing businesses!

By Callify.ai team

A smart high coverage candidate reach-out software for recruiters making them highly efficient in the art of sophisticated candidate fishing!

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