5 Tips to Assess Candidates’ Body Language!

By Callify.ai
In Interview Questions
Nov 20th, 2019
Image by yanalya

Believe it or not, non-verbal communication influences up to 93% of human communication, while a mere 7% is shaped by the words a candidate uses.

Most job applicants spend considerable time preparing for the answers to be given at a scheduled Job interview. However, the answers they give are often the secondary element on which they are judged. Because, an interviewer often perceives the body language and paralinguistic cues (such as intonation, body posture, facial expressions, etc.) of the candidates while making a decision. The way candidates shake hands, smile, maintain a positive posture, blink their eyes, shake their head, etc. could give a recruiter a pretty fair idea about them.

However, recruiters need to be well adept at the correct comprehension of body language, as these non-verbal gestures can be quite confusing. Assessing candidates and giving a verdict based on a short meeting can be pretty challenging. However, if the interviewer knows what exactly to look for, things can get quite simple.

Look out for these signs to know and understand a candidate’s body language:

The First Impression

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A handshake says it all. A firm handshake accompanied by a smile or direct eye contact indicates a confident candidate. A weak handshake suggests a nervous or disinterested candidate, while too forceful a handshake can imply a candidate who is dominant or insecure, or insensitive.

The Right Posture

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An erect posture while sitting implies a candidate who is confident. A candidate who is slouching or fidgeting generally indicates nervousness or boredom with the interview or can be seen as a sign of restlessness. A candidate does that when he or she is unsure about their abilities or suitability for the role.

The Expressions

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Facial expressions can say more than words. If a candidate is replying positively along with a smile, it is a genuine response. However, if the candidate is smiling after giving the response, it suggests he or she is unsure and is trying to convince themselves of it.

The Eye Contact

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The eyes are the mirror of the candidate’s feelings. If a candidate maintains eye contact with the interviewer while replying, he or she is confident. If a candidate cannot look the interviewer in the eye, it either suggests nervousness or dishonesty. And if a candidate holds a fixed and blank stare throughout the interview, it implies extreme nervousness or aggressiveness. Time to bring the interview to an end!

The Overall Gestures

Image by yanalya

It’s important to study the candidate’s gestures throughout the course of the interview. Crossed arms imply the candidate is negative or on the defensive. Open hands suggest positivity, sincerity, and confidence. Extreme or wild gestures can mean the candidate is aggressive.

While body language can help you assess a candidate, it should not be the sole factor in making a hiring decision. It should be viewed along with the candidate’s background, accomplishments, and replies to the questions. As even the most accomplished and skilled candidates can appear nervous during a job interview.

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