Why hiring through social media is good?

By Callify.ai
In Social Media Hiring
Jan 20th, 2016

social media

According to a study by Aon Hewitt, recruitment shall continue to be a key agenda as organizations continue to grow, 30% to 64% of companies across industries will hire more, making recruitment ROI a critical performance indicator. Opportunity lies in the virtual world; there are more than 106 million active social media users in India as on 2014 and India features amongst the top three countries in terms of number of people using Facebook! Yet, studies shows that less than 15% of companies source more than 50% of talent through social media.

The key is to tap into social media for talent acquisition. Here is why.


Hiring campaigns through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & LinkedIn help recruiters showcase their employer brand creating a “pull” for candidates, especially Gen Y and Z.

Two way communication helps recruiters directly reach out to potential candidates from a diverse pool. With high responsiveness of social media, it is easy to seek high involvement of candidates, especially passive candidates.

A glimpse into personality traits and interests can help determine culture-fit by screening profiles early-on as an elimination strategy.


“Conversing with probable candidates” is the key to long term associations. Two-way conversations at preliminary stages leads to higher response rates and better screening.

Youthfully designed pages on Facebook and Twitter for campus connect creates an “aspirational” image for the organization.


Utilize information from social media for hiring actions such as verification i.e. background checks, claims in CVs etc.

While social media interaction can serve as a preliminary strategy, following it up with live interactions helps validate the authenticity and trustworthiness of a potential employee.

Social media hiring if done with the right checks and balances (have a social media usage policy in place) results in lower hiring costs and shorter time-to-hire (according to a Jobvite Survey). It can transform the talent value proposition of an organization from known to aspirational, in almost no time!

Reckrut can help you with smart, technology-based recruitment techniques. Get in touch with us today to know how.

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