VoiceBots are transforming recruitment, here’s how!

By Callify.ai
In Uncategorised
Jan 25th, 2021

Untitled design (12)ChatBots need no formal introduction. Having been plugged into most websites, ChatBots conduct online conversations through text. ChatBots are known to reduce dependency on humans, as it uses AI to create human-like conversations.


A VoiceBot, on the other hand, performs the same features of a ChatBot, where the principal mode of communication is voice. Both ChatBots and VoiceBots play a vital role in transforming the employment process of a modern job applicant.


With Voice AI gaining more popularity with every passing year, a voice assistant is exactly what the recruitment process needs. Here are some ways in which VoiceBot has revolutionalized recruitment, thus making it more popular than your average ChatBot.


  1. Talking comes more naturally: Humans are social animals and talking comes more naturally to us than writing/typing. It is also a known fact that humans absorb more information through listening. When it comes to recruitment, there is a lot of exchange of information. And for all reasons, it makes it easier when the information is voiced out to a potential job seeker as opposed to it being typed out.
  2. It is easier to do: With smartphones and the digital world at our fingertips, humans are used to certain comforts. Be it the popularity of voice notes over text messages, or communicating with Alexa, the world has accepted VoiceBots as the easier and smoother action.
  3. Higher response rates: When you move along the recruitment process, from candidate calling, to candidate screening, telephonic interview, and over to candidate onboarding, there is a lot of information going back and forth. While most Chatbots have limited responses and action, it is easier to include them in VoiceBots. This translates to higher response rates among jobseekers.
  4. Voice based hiring: Believe it or not, voice based hiring is actually a growing trend. Making the hiring process simpler, voice based recruitment is perfect for remote hiring processes. Remote hiring and voice AI are extremely relevant in today’s times, given the pandemic and the shift in recruitment processes.
  5. Better connect: ChatBots can never give the human-like experience as it is automated to the core. Whereas, VoiceBots can be customized as per the recruiter’s own voice. This enhances credibility and a sense of emotional connection within the potential job applications.


With this, we know that VoiceBots are growing by the day and are the future of smart recruitment. We take pride in knowing that Callify is one of the most popular VoiceBots in India today. We have been ranked amongst the top 15 Bots in the world by Talent Tech Labs of New York, a non-profit research firm that evaluates HRTech products across the world. Needless to say, our VoiceBots are here to stay!


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