‘Reckrut’ them before Rejecting! Whaaat?

By Callify.ai
In General Recruitement
Jan 4th, 2016

cv screening software

Yes, you heard me right, Reckrut.com will truly screen CVs for you so you don’t unnecessarily reject Candidates because their CVs did not excite you enough or they did not highlight the right things you were looking for.

It’s an irony of sorts, because the reality is that skilled people (mostly) don’t much bother about writing their CVs in a recruiter-friendly manner or let’s say don’t exaggerate their expertise. This causes the-not-so-great candidates, who have no option but to exaggerate their skillset get through your CV Shortlist stage, only to eventually get rejected. While you may thump your chest and say that it’s not easy for a bad apple to get through your eagle eyes, did you know that over 85% of time is lost, efforts are made, costs are incurred and stress is invited because of the wrong CVs that get through the next round of interview!

It is primarily this reason that the whole Recruiter community gets blamed at for not doing the right due diligence. The reality is that Recruiters put in their heart and soul in fishing the right Candidate from the black scary sea and that huge effort and stress were made into getting the CVs forwarded. However, nothing goes as per your plan. Your Hiring Manager, who initially got happy that you sourced the right CV, after speaking to the Candidate, turned furiously mad at you because there was no match between the CV and its ‘supposed’ Candidate! It is a sorry thing, but it happens! Unfortunately, all the time!

This is the genesis of Reckrut.com. We have thought of an ideal solution, where the Recruiter just drops a set of CVs (sourced from Job portals), uploads the job description, sets a few questions and then just sits back for the black box (software) to do the magic. The black box (Reckrut.com) re-produces your CVs; neatly ranked by their Skill score, Communication score, Personality score and a phone interview (including getting them to “Tell us something about yourself”!). Now imagine the sheer pleasure the Recruiters have because all of the above was done without the Recruiters even having to pick up their phones! Too good to be true, right? Fortunately, it is true…. this black box, precisely does that. Made for Recruiters by the Recruiters.  

We built Reckrut, so Recruiters like you can achieve more in less time, build credible relationships with your hiring managers and focus your time on things that matter to you most!

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