Reach Out To Jobseekers On Career Site Without Any Manual Intervention!!!

In Use Case
Feb 19th, 2019


No human Int 643x429


Reckrut, a voice-based recruitment software helped us leverage jobseekers that applied to our career site. These job seekers were never reached-out due to bandwidth constraints and today we are able to have a good number of joinees from this free source of candidate data.”

– GM, Talent Acquisition

About the Company

Company is one of the top Insurance companies in India, with first Indian Insurance company to cross Rs.1 trillion is AUM and first Insurance company to get listed on BSE & NSE.


The company gets an average of about 100 jobseekers applying to various open positions on its career site. Company’s biggest hiring volume consisted of hiring Front-Line-Sales people. Since sourcing is a big challenge for such profiles, the company was highly dependent on outsourced vendors to provide this service.  While Company was aware that a lot of sales front-line salespeople apply directly on their career site; they did not have enough bandwidth to reach-out to such candidates.


Reckrut built a customized 4 layered workflow for the Company to reach-out to such candidates as listed below:

  1. release pre-configured calls every evening to the applicants applied in the day; thanking them for their interest and to request them to complete a test (link to be sent via SMS and Email)
  2. If the candidate has not completed the test within a specified time, a reminder call is sent to push them to give the test
  3. Candidates that give the test get another Interview Scheduling call to check their availability for a specific designated day for a specific city. Candidates get multiple calls reminding them of the interview date
  4. Post the Interview date, a call is finally released to thank the candidate for attending the interview and to seek their feedback about their experience with the interview process of the Company.

Base Metrics

Total Recruiters deployed 0
Average Response rate 70%
Average Interested rate 50%

Output Metrics

Based on the feedback received from internal teams, following are some of the efficiency metrics:

Speed to Candidate reach-out 10X
Coverage increase 70%
Closures without any manual intervention (per month) 24 is voice-based recruitment software that accelerates the communication process between the recruiters and the candidates. makes the life of recruiter happy and easy by increasing their productivity and cutting down the recruitment process time by more than 70%.

Request a demo now, visit our website or call us.

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