How many calls your recruiters make to hire one employee?

In Phone Interviewing Techniques
Oct 24th, 2018

Calls to hire 1 candidate 643x429


A lot I am sure…today it is taking 2.6 times number of calls to hire one employee than it did 10 years ago….it now takes average 87 calls vs 33 earlier…

Interestingly, the effectiveness of the recruiter is dependent on whether they are able to cover a large set of candidates (when it comes to junior to mid levels) and if they are able to communicate impact-fully (when it comes to mid to senior levels).

Ineffective calling to either of these levels directly impacts the Turn-around-time (TAT), Quality of Hire (QOH) and Cost-per Hire (CPH). The average productivity of a recruiter in a corporate setup is just about 56%!

As per research, recruiters globally make about 72 billion (LinkedIn Data) candidate calls per year. Of these as high as 65 billion calls do not produce any meaningful output for the recruiters (wasted); because candidates don’t answer their phones, phones are busy, wrong numbers, phones not reachable, candidate asks to call later, not looking for a job or not interested etc.

All of these above candidate behaviors result in wasteful calling right from sourcing to onboarding. This is highly demotivating even to your best performing recruiters.

What’s the solution? Automation? No. Sensible Automation! Automation that retains human touch while communicating with the candidates; Automation that enhances candidates experience; Automation that empowers recruiters to target bigger achievements.

About 200+ progressive enterprises have already implemented such automation; many with a view to try and see whether it works and many who continue to re-use such automation because it is successfully working for them.

Have your team look at an online demo of, a Voice based Smart Calling Software for recruiters to make conversation calls to candidates in their own voice, without making any manual calls and communicate impact-fully via well-crafted employer branding and job overview messages.

30 mins of your time may digitally transform your work methods!

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