“I definitely wouldn’t want to go back to our earlier manual process for sure!”.

By Callify.ai
In Uncategorised
Apr 29th, 2020


What is making Chaya fall in love with automation that she cannot even think of getting back to the manual process?

Below is an excerpt from Chaya’s interview:

1. How did it feel to win Super Recruiter award and how do you think you feel differentiated? 

“It was a Proud feeling and a really happy moment when I got to know that I have won this award. It made me feel special and stand out in front of my entire team. I felt like a champion.”

2. What areas has Callify directly impacted you in terms of recruitment efficiency? 

“I have used Callify predominantly in the Interview Scheduling process. Callify has helped us increase our productivity significantly. For example, after using Callify, our footfalls on drives had gone up close to 40%. Because of this increase, we were able to average about 400 closures per week compared to about 200 without Callify. That is almost double the closures”.

 3. What is the single most value Callify has added for you? 

“Callify is directly saving almost 40%-50% of our daily time that we were earlier wasting on not interested candidates. Because we were sending 20-30 minutes with the candidates only to figure that the candidate is not truly interested. This has helped us fasten our process tremendously”.

4. Will you recommend Callify to your friends & industry peers and why? 

“Definitely I will. Because Callify is a great tool and helps recruiters save a lot of time and increase closures”.

5. If Callify is not there would you feel inconvenient

“Yes I would highly inconvenienced and feel the pressure because Callify has become a part of our daily recruitment process now. I definitely wouldn’t want to go back to our earlier manual process for sure”.


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