2 Years, 5 Years Or 10 yrs experience – How To Follow-up?

By Callify.ai
In How to?
Jan 15th, 2019

Follow up 643x429

As a recruiter you must be doing multiple follow-ups for various reasons within your hiring cycle stages; be it cold call, be it phone interview, be it scheduling, be it confirming, be it reminding, etc.

Did you know the different level of experienced people responds to followups in different ways? While you must be trying calling back (or followup call) based on the status of the first call…For example, if the candidate has not answered your call in the first attempt, you tend to typically call back in 10 minutes for scheduling it may be 2 hours and so and so forth. If you observe the pattern, it will 99% turn-out to be totally random! Then the only element that can guarantee success is something called (but nobody knows how it works) LUCK!

Reckrut.com has made over 1 million digitized followup calls to multiple levels of experience. When we analyzed the data of these calls, we saw a pattern emerging. While this pattern seemed quite consistent for 80% of the data, it seemed random for just 20% of cases. This means, that 80% pattern is worth considering when it comes to structured follow-ups!

The findings from our data are as follows:

For 0-2 years of experience, for the best outcome, followup after every 30 minutes

For 3-5 years of experience, for the best outcome, followup after every 2 hours

For 6-10 years of experience, for the best outcome, followup after every 4 hours

Reckrut.com’s machine learning algorithms are studying patterns that may have co-relation between experience levels, city (Metro or non-Metro), number of follow-up calls, frequency of follow-up calls, etc.

Come have a look at how Reckrut.com sets ‘Auto-Follow-ups’ without our users having to remember to do it themselves!

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