How to Attract the Right Candidates for Your Recruitment Drive Without Losing Your Mind?

Recruiter: Tell me about yourself
Candidate: I have over X years of experience. I am an expert in ____, _____, and ____. You can fill in the blanks as per your requirement.
Here’s my resume and it’s loosely based on a somewhat true story.
Recruiter: Gobsmacked!
Whether this is a funny recruitment anecdote or a recruiter’s nightmare is left to interpretation. While this candidate might be the wrong one, we have to give brownie points for honesty. Unfortunately, such honest candidates (we say this with candid humour) are scattered across the globe. Littered generously across a sea of more qualified counterparts, sifting the haves from the have nots cost recruiters an inordinate amount of time, and to some extent their sanity.
Scanning resumes and conducting the initial screening of candidates can be an exhausting process, both physically and mentally, when you have to screen through thousands of resumes and speak to numerous candidates, to organise fruitful recruitment drives.
It becomes even more exhausting when you have to organise drives and walk-ins and make sure that the best candidates and the most suitable candidates appear before them. Of course, to achieve this there is a lot of backend work that goes in. Recruitment teams tighten their belts and sift through mountains of resumes. Then they set up calls and speak to each of these candidates to identify their suitability for the job role, interest levels, and intent.
After all this, there is still no assurance that a) the candidates who will come will be the most suitable; b) the candidates are genuinely interested; and c) that the recruiters have covered as much ground as possible and have spoken to the most number of candidates possible and.
This is where the story of one of our clients begins.
The challenge
Our client, a leading technology consulting and data transformation MNC with global offices, realised that their recruiters and their recruitment drive needed a sort of makeover to deliver better outcomes.
The traditional process of sourcing candidates, calling them and then checking for interest, then checking for availability for the drive, and then send confirmations, reminders, or notifications was working for them – but not efficiently enough. They wanted that magic pill that helped recruiters reach out to more candidates in the same timeframe and also wanted to increase the number of footfalls for these drives.
The average time taken to go through this process was five days. The average number of footfalls achieved stood around 55%. And all this while, recruiters did nothing more other than keeping dialling candidates, asking them rudimentary questions, and gauging interest! Let’s not calculate how much this process wasted:
- More than one resource is employed for this process –> resource waste
- Resources have to call and ask the same questions to candidates –> resource and time waste
- Resources cannot invest time in more high-value work –> opportunity waste
- The company loses money because human resources can only do as much in a given day and secondly because intelligent resources are being wasted in low-value work –> time, resource, and opportunity waste
Enter Callify – The Solution
Much like all other things, the cure to this challenge also lay in technology. Having had helped multiple organisations improve and refine their recruitment process, we realised that to improve recruitment velocity, our client had to:
- Increase their calling velocity and call more candidates
- Make candidate calling more productive
- Get the right data on targeted candidates and call them at the best time based on behavioural data
- Communicate impactfully to drive impactful job messaging
- Evaluate candidate responses for quick and improved screening
- Increase recruitment drive efficiency
We integrated our AI-enabled candidate calling platform into the front-end recruitment process to plug the costly time and cost leakage caused by a manual process that was repetitive, cumbersome, and largely unproductive.
After employing our solution that uses an AI-powered chatbot to call candidates, the client could make their recruitment process more efficient and high-performing.
The Impact
Our voice AI-driven screening & engagement platform helped our client screen a large number of potential candidates, evaluate interest, and stack rank them accordingly. Even though it was a machine that was calling the candidate, there still was a human touch involved. Our solution gave our client the capability to pre-record messages in recruiters’ voices and employ smart scripting to communicate the job message impactfully. The solution allowed for the candidate’s responses to be converted to text for quick screening.
At the end of the implementation, our client could increase their candidate coverage immensely.
Using Callify the client could
- Effectively call around 5,42,850 candidates employing only 34 users.
- Their footfalls increased by almost 30% – going up from 55% to 72% thereby making their recruitment drives more productive and effective.
The added advantage was that their workforce could concentrate on high-value work than waste time on something that was previously time-consuming, labour intensive, and slow.
Recruitment automation clearly has tremendous potential to augment recruitment outcomes. The trick lies in choosing the right solution and identifying the one that helps the recruitment teams increase their reach by calling and identifying more suitable candidates in the resource pool. Using the Callify solution, our client could move closer to their recruitment nirvana by allowing the platform to do much of the heavy lifting. Wouldn’t you want to achieve the same?