Hello Freshers!

By Callify.ai
In Audio Blogs and Podcasts
May 8th, 2015

If you are taking the plunge from studenthood to employment, then here is something you should listen to. Whether you are a fresher looking for a job, or if you found one and are about to start work, or a recent joinee, and have tasted a little bit of professional world, here’s a word of encouragement and comfort.
This transition is a rather important one. You’re moving away from study books and constant guidance, to the world of decision making and independence. You’re moving out of the mother bird’s care to fly out into the wild, not knowing what is awaiting you on the other side, or being fully prepared for it. And honestly, you can never be fully prepared to make it to your first job. It will not be ideal, and hence, cannot be planned.
So, listen to the RECKRUT JOCKEY (RJ) address you, and help you through your days of panic, nervousness, woes and worries. Come on, get listening.

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