Don’t bid farewell to the right candidate

In Artificial Intelligence
Feb 9th, 2021


Saying goodbye or rather being ghosted by a good candidate, is a terrible feeling. It is almost like the break-up of a relationship that you never had. While the loss may not seem like a biggie at that very moment, recruiters seldom understand the monumental loss of an ideal candidate.

The break-up cliche ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ rarely applies to losing a good candidate. In about 90% of the cases, it is always YOU, the recruiter, who drives the candidate away. You know it. You might think everything was going smoothly – the recruiter calls, the candidate screening, the interview scheduling, and even the candidate onboarding, but, you screwed up somewhere. And you can’t figure out where things started going south. Here are some questions you could implore if losing a candidate isn’t new to you. 

Why should the candidate care?

The first and foremost question, why should the candidate care? What’s in it for them? In order to grab a candidate’s attention, you have to speak their language, which is creating urgency and bridging a gap with the candidate. This way, the candidate knows that you, as a recruiter, value his/her skills. This validation gets the candidate’s attention and keeps them interested.

What’s in it for the candidate?

Let’s be honest and acknowledge the fact that candidates are looking for the best proposition. In the words of the Godfather, ‘ I’ll make you an offer that you cannot refuse’. Make this your mantra. Tell them the perks that come with the job, it needn’t always be money, it can be international exposure, benefits, or simply the scope to learn and grow.

Why this candidate?

A candidate-recruiter relationship is a two-way streak. You get what you give. So it is essential to say the right thing. A positive approach even to negotiation goes a long way. Ensure that the candidate knows his/her worth, by just your choice of words. Saying the right thing at the right time actually plays a crucial role in retaining the candidate’s interest. 

With, the chances of losing an ideal potential candidate are slim. With AI-based recruitment systems, the right message always reaches the candidate, irrespective of what is being said. By carefully curating the right way to recruit, powered by ground-breaking tech, it simplifies every step of the recruitment process for both the recruiter and the candidate!

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