Top IT Consulting Firm Use To Check Base Eligibility Of The Candidates

In Use Case
Jan 22nd, 2019

MNCs 643x429

This mammoth enterprise ranks among the top 3 IT Consulting firms in India. With one of the strongest Indian brand globally, this enterprise has over 200,000 employees globally. While their hiring is segmented across campus hires and lateral hires, it is mandatory for every potential employee to have certain minimum credentials or base eligibility to even apply to the company. The eligibility may differ for campus and laterals but broadly they are minimum requirements around education, percentages scored, a certain type of universities, etc.

So as part of the hiring process, their TA teams consists of a separate outreach team with responsibility to ensure that the potential candidate (applied via job post/website, sourced by internal recruiters or from their Applicant Tracking System) meets the mandated base eligibility criteria. As one can imagine, the huge effort and time that is spent just to first ensure eligibility of 1000s of candidates on daily basis and the internal process around getting this done prior to initiating any form of dialogue with the candidate.

That’s when this firm reached out to to check if a digitized call could be made to such potential candidates, get their basic eligibility checked and auto-routed the qualified candidates to the respective teams, then it would significantly reduce the manual efforts that was being done till date. And, all of this without losing the human touch that the earlier teams delivered. created a custom solution for this firm whereby not only did an initial call was made to the candidates that explained the context and re-confirmed their interest to apply but also sent out customized emails/SMS to all the interested candidates to complete a set of mandated questions to check the base eligibility. A candidate that confirmed the interest responded to the questionnaire and those that were found to meet the eligibility criteria, were auto-routed to the respective teams. This digitization of the manual process enhanced the output of the eligibility check process by over 10X. Earlier where the manual process took 10 days to reach out to a certain number of candidates; now got done within 1 day; without any manual intervention! is a voice-based recruitment software which accelerates the communication process between the recruiters and the candidates. makes the life of recruiter happy and easy by increasing their productivity and cutting down the recruitment process time by more than 70%.

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