Candidates want Instant, Personalized, Anytime, Anywhere Job Experience!

In Digital Transformation
Jul 3rd, 2019

Candidate Experience Anywhere

A lot to ask, but that’s what it is…..Somebody said that after accepting an offer, if last minute the candidate declines because of a better offer, what do say to such a thing? And I said the candidate believes in ‘Continuous Improvement’…worth a hire by making a counteroffer. I know it’s not practical and maybe it’s not for the money after all….

By far, however, apart from counter offers (which are unfair to the existing employees, who do not get the increment because they did not threaten to resign), for other things, I think it eventually boils down to what kind of experience the candidate was extended during the pre-offer stage. For one thing, the candidate always likes instant communications, instant feedbacks, personalized interaction, any time of their choice and irrespective of location (which is anyway a given in today’s era).

Now there’s a lot to think about how the Recruiter is going to scale themselves up to deliver these experiences, maybe for some areas they can look at automation to solve this and at least ensure they are providing right kind of feedback at the right time.

Case in the example is our product, where if the candidate is shortlisted (or rejected as the case may be), the candidate gets an SMS and Email informing about the same.  Plus, every candidate gets an SMS and Email with a job link, where they can listen to the live recruiter introduction and job overview (in recruiter’s own voice). And finally, because is an Audio Interview platform, it empowers the candidate to initiate a phone interview (automated) any time of the day and night (some even interview at 2:00 am). Now that’s a convenience, experience, and empowerment to the candidate, all rolled together into one.

Need I say more?….hit the Demo Button now!

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