Are you a Techruiter ?

In Uncategorised
Jan 18th, 2021

Tech-ruiterAlthough the digitalisation of everything seems to be the favourite buzzword nowadays; reality is that change usually starts with a buzz.

In recruitment, the change is happening much faster than in any other business function. One reason is that HRTech buzz had already started 3-4 years ago and it’s real adoption commenced 1-2 years ago. Several mid & large sized enterprises had made real investments in HRTech. Adoption of HRTech by recruiters was rapidly growing by the start of 2020.

So recruitment tech was already on its way up and further buzz during the pandemic has enhanced the velocity of the need for HRTech.

Where does it leave the recruitment role? Will tech takeaway recruiter jobs? The answer is ‘No’. But there is a very visible trend; while recruiter jobs will continue to remain important; there won’t be a need to have a lot of recruiters to do the same job; because of high scale leverage HRTech brings in.

Most manual, repetitive, non-value adding tasks are getting automated and technology is almost simulating how recruiter’s conduct these tasks. Recruiter will then be required only to work on value-added tasks that requires abilities and acumen of a well skilled recruiter.

This means that every recruiter has to start getting used to leveraging technology for the non-value tasks. For a simple analogy, the teller in the bank no longer manually counts the notes, but simply puts the stack in a counting machine, which can accurately count say 10,000 notes in a matter of seconds!

So urging recruiters to start learning how to utilise technology to automate your daily tasks. Request your companies to invest in technology, so you get the exposure to build your skills and deliver high value/ROI to your employers.

Based on the analysis of recruiter usage of close to 3,000 recruiters on platform, we observe that recruiters with 1 to 3 years’ experience are twice as tech savvy than 3 to 8 years experienced recruiters. This also means that the 1-3 year folks are showing higher ROI to their companies in terms of output vs cost. So I urge senior recruiters to put that extra efforts to familiarise themselves with technology, because util

In the new normal, ability, comfort and excellence in using technology to deliver highly productive work output will see big winners.

It’s going to be the survival of ‘Techruiters’!

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