This App, That App… Everybody is getting sick of Downloading!

In General Recruitement
Dec 30th, 2015

mobile app for recruitment

This observation came when a teenager complained about how he has been fed up with an App for everything. And seriously, this is what is happening in the much-hyped world of Mobile Applications…!! It came in the papers too a few days ago…Flipkart chooses to re-start its mobile Web App! It reverses it’s only Mobile App strategy. Their observation; while 70% users visit Flipkart via mobiles, only 5 % shop through a mobile App. The reason they cited from their findings is that people were worried about the data storage capacity on their phones. It’s interesting and coincidental to our own research on Mobile Apps for Jobs. When we spoke to a few hundred people about their views on Mobile Apps, we came across several interesting reasons:

  1. Grossly eating into their phone storage capacity
  2. Need to remember multiple passwords
  3. Slowing down of their phones
  4. Huge download times
  5. Utilizing precious data consumption on their Internet
  6. Irritating Ads

While a few did prefer Mobile Apps for things like dating, food ordering and games, many stayed away from Apps for business, jobs and surprisingly eCommerce! Now, coming to the Recruiters- do they want a Mobile App to access work sites? An obvious answer came in, “After a grueling work day, do you expect us to continue working after the work hours just because it’s available on an App! Please spare us!”. Well, while this might be an honest response, there will be some need for an App, when say, there is something really urgent, or some work is required to be delivered in a different time zone or simply because you have decided to work from home one day. That’s the time when such an App comes in handy. But, seriously, how many such instances really happen. What’s your take?’s strategy on Mobile App is to wait and watch. Honestly, until our telecom infrastructure does not really become awesome and nearly free; smartphones should probably be continued to be used for talking with your peers and business associates and texting your friends and family. Smart, no?

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