‘Phone Calling Fatigue’ hugely impacts your Recruiter’s well being…here’s how.

By Callify.ai
In Phone Interviewing Techniques
Jul 19th, 2019

Phone Calling Fatigue

Calling fatigue is like a slow poison for declining motivation and hence performance; not to mention job disillusionment and ultimate departure.

So whether your recruiter is doing 15 calls or 50 calls a day, calling fatigue can come in anytime without you and them realizing it. This calling fatigue happens when the outcome does not get achieved in spite of trying extremely hard (and not because the recruiter is incapable of achieving the goals). This fatigue happens because the outcomes do not get realized due to variables beyond the control of the recruiter.

Let me explain; when recruiter starts dialing the numbers and even after waiting for 10 rings, the candidate does not pick-up, the irritation starts; now lets say the recruiter did get connected to some only to find that the candidate is not looking for a job, the irritation grows; now lets say the recruiter connected with a good candidate only to find that candidate is not interested in the opportunity; frustration starts breeding in. Now imagine what would happen if the recruiters are constantly reaching busy phones, switched-off phones, wrong numbers, etc, etc., they start getting mentally exhausted and stressed. This is the state of ‘calling fatigue’.

Finally, when the recruiter is judged (or even fear of being judged) on their outcomes; without factoring the above-stated variables beyond the control of recruiter, that’s when fatigue converts to disillusionment and a feeling of despair!

To eliminate (or significantly reduce) this calling fatigue, Callify.ai has built an intelligent personalized automated calling solution that takes away the drudgery of calling candidates, again and again, Increasing the speed; presenting only those candidates that are interested in the opportunity. All of this without the recruiter making a single call! Now since recruiters get to focus their energy and enthusiasm only on right candidates, they have full control of the outcome and thus full control of their well-being (and yours!).

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