4 Common Cold Call Mistakes Recruiters Make Always!

By Callify.ai
In Recruiter Personality
Jun 21st, 2019

Female recruiter making cold calls

Once Recruiter’s source CVs from various channels likes Job Portals, Social Media, Internal databases, etc, the logical next step they have to do is to make Cold Calls to the candidates to check their interest and assess their suitability.

This is essentially a Cold call because the Candidate is not anticipating the call. But the reality is that most candidates get jobs through such cold calls and most times from Recruiters they haven’t dealt in the past. Hence Cold Calls are very important, especially when the candidate is getting multiple such calls every day from a number of recruiters.

Unfortunately, most Recruiters we have seen continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Can’t blame them completely, because they have pressures to submit CVs and hit the Customer’s email the fastest!

Giving below a few prominent mistakes Recruiters do and what they can do to correct them:

1. Am I speaking to ______?

This opening line is used by many Marketing telesales usually and hence, the likely hood is that Candidate may try to escape the call at the earliest. Instead, start with addressing the person directly assuming that no other person would be using the Candidates phone. So a better start is “Hi Prakash…..”

2. Are you looking for a job change?

Recruiters tend to feel that let us cut to chase and first find out whether the candidate is looking for a change or not. Correct thinking, but it is better to be optimistic and approach it by first introducing yourself and then checking if the discussion makes sense.

3. We have an urgent opening for one of our large customers in telecom. Are you interested?

Two issues here. One is ‘Urgent Opening’ no longer excites anybody. Second, the recruiter has directly gone to the main goal without setting the right environment…e.g ‘Confirm whether you will you marry me, then I will decide whether I like you’.

4. We are looking for Recruiters with 2 years of relevant experience in IT recruiting. What is your notice period?

Many a times Recruiters jump to this stage without adequately introducing themselves, their context of the call and never talking what’s in it for the candidate…etc. A better way could be “I see that you have good IT Recruiting experience and it would be great to have your next job truly leverage this experience for faster growth”

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