5 Reference Checking Mistakes to Avoid

By Callify.ai
In General Recruitement
Mar 11th, 2016


Reference checking is an important skill assessment tool in recruitment. When you hire a person solely on the basis of an interview and without reference checking, there are chances that you might get a non-competent person on board. By reference checking, you can make sure that there is no fabrication in the resume and you get to know the true facts.

Here are a few mistakes that must be avoided while doing reference checks:

1. Not doing it at all

Generally, most recruiters consider reference checking a waste of time. The reason being that they are either uncomfortable doing it or do not believe the references to be honest.

2. Doing only sample checking

Some recruiters do a reference check on a few applicants and leave the rest. You should always do a check on all applicants whom you have shortlisted or planning to make a job offer.

3. Asking objective questions

Don’t ask questions that require merely a Yes or a No from the reference. Instead, ask an open ended question such as “How would you describe Mr X’s performance?”Also, you should ask the same set of questions to each reference and contact the same number of references for each applicant. For instance, if you contact 2 references for one, you should not contact 5 for the next one. This will eliminate the chances of a biased judgement on your part.

4. Calling up friends / relatives

It is quite common for candidates to give references of people whom they know on a personal level. Always seek professional references, such as the last direct supervisor or an ex-colleague who can give an honest opinion about the candidate.

5. Delaying the reference checking

You should always perform a reference check as soon as you complete the CV screening process. Only after the reference confirms the applicant’s skills and experience, should you proceed further. This will reduce your time and efforts in setting up interviews, and also lower hiring costs subsequently.

If you want to know how to search candidates smartly, get in touch with Reckrut to take advantage of technology-based recruitment techniques.

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