5 Red Flags to Watch Out for While Conducting an Interview

By Callify.ai
In Face to Face Interview
Jan 21st, 2016
Image by ijeab

You must have observed a typical trait of candidates – trying their best to impress to land a job of their dreams. As a recruiter, you scrutinize every tiny detail of candidates during an interview to capture how they behave and what they say. But, conducting an interview ain’t easy as it seems. So, we are listing five ‘red flags’ that give an obvious, clear indication about what is ‘not right’ about a particular candidate.

1. Sounds Too Perfect for the Job

You question the candidate about narrating an incident about a mistake he may have committed his previous role and how he addressed it, but he proudly brags about his “perfectionist”, never-go-wrong attitude. This may be a clear attempt to bury some bones or a trait of not owning up mistakes or not being receptive to feedback.

2. Talks the ‘We’ Language

While team collaboration skill are much sought after, a candidate who describes every situation as a ‘group contribution’ during interview with no specifics on his or her contribution to the situation may indicate a tendency to evade individual responsibility.

3. Gives Rehearsed Answers

Spontaneity indicates an inherent confidence in oneself. Interview responses that seem extremely rehearsed or miss the spark can indicate a ‘cover up’ on his capability.

4. Asks Too Many Questions on Benefits

Is the candidate asking more questions regarding the pay scale, working hours and annual leaves than the job per say? Well, the chances are that he isn’t much interested in his new role. It is the perks what is he mainly looking at. He might not be the right candidate to give his best shot at the job.

5. Hesitates in Giving a Reference

A candidate who hesitates to provide references on the spot may not have great work credibility. Or, if he prefers to give references of a friend, relative or a co-worker rather than the supervisor, it’s definitely a red flag. Are there any other red flags you would want to add to above 5?

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