10 Recruitment Stats That Prove How Challenging the Job is – Here is How to Make it Easy

By Callify.ai
In General Recruitement
Apr 15th, 2021

Interviewing employees is like fishing. You never know when you’re going to get the big one – you just know you have to patient until you do. A recruiter has to cast their line with the right bait and hope for the best. The best anglers use the shiniest lures to attract the most valuable fish. Most of all, champion anglers understand a wee bit about their environment and fish behaviour. Similarly, recruiters must be up-to-date with all the knowledge they can get to understand the sea of candidates. We’ve curated a list of interesting recruitment statistics that prove how hard the recruiter’s job is and how technology can be leveraged to make it easy. 

1.    46% of candidates do not answer recruiter’s call the first time

Almost half of the candidates you interview will not pick up their phone the first time you call them and this can feel like a lost oppor-tuna-ty. But worry not, there are many reasons as to why this happens. You may be calling during their office hours when they’re not allowed to use their phone. It’s possible they’ve gone on vacation and away from their work phones or emails. Perhaps they’re experiencing a family emergency and aren’t able to communicate as effectively as they normally would. This can be tedious and time-consuming.  Recruiters can cut down on wasted time and effort using AI-enabled solutions like Callify to automate their recruitment-related calls. They’ll be able to handle multiple mandates simultaneously. 

2.    Only 14% of candidates are honest about not being interested in the opportunity

This statistic reveals one of the biggest challenges in recruitment. Many times, candidates are merely testing the waters to find out the details of a company, whether they can get a better deal than their current organisation, etc. There are many reasons but whatever they are, candidates like these are a monumental waste of time, energy, and resources. Recruiters must ensure they ask the right questions to gauge exactly how serious their candidate is about joining the company.

3.    Recruiters can engage with an average of about 12% of candidates daily

This isn’t surprising when you consider how much time goes into dealing with uninterested candidates, those who aren’t picking up their calls, and others. Plus, calling each prospective hire, getting to know them and their intentions, and understanding subtext is draining. This can lead to errors on the side of the recruiter. Automating the first-level recruitment calls can help make this process quicker and more efficient. 

4.    Global average shows recruiters make an average of 16 calls a day

16 calls seem like very less when you take into consideration the typical 8-hour workday. This averages out to approximately two calls an hour! But again – this is not surprising when one realises how much time is wasted in going through candidates who don’t answer their phones, unsuitable profiles, etc. Technology can help increase this number by saving recruiters time on unproductive calling. Recruiters can cover more candidates at ten times the speed using our platform. 

5.    Research shows recruiters spend 4 hours a day on the phone with candidates

Recruiters have many responsibilities, which include designing and updating various job descriptions, finding potential candidates from different channels, crafting recruitment emails, etc. If they’re spending half their time on the phone talking to candidates, it can impact their productivity overall. Recruiters need a way to be able to increase the number of good candidates they speak to in a day but in less time. How can they do this? Well, through AI-enabled automation. Using smart scripting and pre-recording with reviews can allow recruiters to reduce the time they spend on the phone.

6.    Of 240 minutes spent on the phone by recruiters, only 28 minutes produce meaningful outcomes

That’s a lot of unproductive work. Right? So, how can a recruiter increase productivity? The best way would be to analyse what they’re saying and figure out how to improve it. An AI-powered solution like Callify shows exactly how many candidates were targeted by a recruiter, their outcomes, and what was spoken. This can help recruiters improve their approach and companies to lead their recruitment teams to greater heights. Remember that everyone ‘cod’ do better and that’s a good thing.

7.    Recruiters spend an average of 2 hours daily on follow-ups

This statistic isn’t surprising at all. Again, it can be a challenge to get a person on the phone in the first place. Using technology like Callify can come to the rescue here. With automated follow-ups and reminders using ML-based algorithms, Callify assesses the best call times. This is based on candidate behavioural data points. Recruiters can use this to reduce the amount of time spent on follow-ups.

8.    While recruiters find only 12% irrelevant candidates, the rejection ratio is as high as 60%

There are many reasons a candidate may reject a job offer. They could have accepted a different offer, found better compensation, took their current office’s counteroffer, or became turned off by the lengthy hiring process. What’s distressing is that a candidate may go right up till the third round of interviews to finally reject the offer. This can be resolved using technology to filter the right candidates. By asking the right questions in the first level interview, recruiters can identify the right candidates for the role and increase the closure rate with higher coverage, response, and better matching profiles.

9.    Recruiters spend an average of 1.5 hours every day sending emails, SMS, WhatsApp messages to candidates

As we discussed earlier, recruiters have many tasks that they need to do. Technology serves to streamline these processes in the easiest way possible or else face unnecessary expenditure on downtime. Our solution drives down cost-per-hire by 40% by saving time by 70%. It does this by automating the front end recruitment process. 

10.  Out of 5 CVs submitted to hiring managers, 3 are rejected 

This statistic makes us feel that there’s a vast number of candidates who don’t make it to the final cut, even after clearing all the preliminary rounds. They may not have certain qualifications or experiences to do justice to the role.  To know which candidates to throw back into the ocean instead of progressing further, platforms like Callify can help decrease human error and find the right matches even before the recruiter makes a call.

These statistics should make any recruiter ready to take on a tidal wave of candidates to find the pearls amongst the pebbles. 

Talk to us to know how Callify can help make that process speedier, more efficient, and more refined – you’re sure to get hooked.

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